Versão em português
N.º 8
pp. 21-27


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Earth mortars and earth-lime renders

Maria Fernandes

Architect, MA in Conservation of Cultural Landscapes and Architectural Heritage, CEAUCP, Centro de Estudos Arqueológicos das Universidades de Coimbra e Porto, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal


Earth surface coatings play a decorative architectural role, apart from their function as wall protection. In Portuguese vernacular architecture, earth mortars were usually applied on stone masonry, while earth renders and plasters were used on indoors surface coatings. Limestone exists only in certain areas of the country and consequently lime was not easily available everywhere, especially on granite and schist regions where stone masonry was a current building technique. In the central west coast of Portugal, the lime slaking procedure entailed slaking the quicklime mixed with earth (sandy soil), in a pit; the resulting mixture would then be combined in a mortar or plaster. This was also the procedure for manufactured adobes stabilized with lime. Adobe buildings with earth-lime renderings and plasters were also traditional in the same region, using lime putty and lime wash for final coat and decoration. Classic decoration on earth architecture from the 18th-19th century was in many countries a consequence of the François Cointeraux (1740-1830) manuals - Les Cahiers d'Architecture Rurale" (1793) - a French guide for earth architecture and building construction. This manual arrived to Portugal in the beginning of XIX century, but was never translated to Portuguese. References about decoration for earth houses were explained on this manual, as well as procedures about earth-lime renders and ornamentation of earth walls; in fact, these procedures are exactly the same as the ones used in adobe buildings in this Portuguese region. The specific purpose of the present paper is to show some cases of earth mortars, renders and plasters on stone buildings in Portugal and to explain the methods of producing earth-lime renders, and also to show some examples of rendering and coating with earth-lime in Portuguese adobe vernacular architecture.


Earth architecture
Earth-lime renders






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Conservar Património:
Fernandes, M., 'Earth mortars and earth-lime renders', Conservar Património 8 (2008) 21-27,

Fernandes, M. (2008). Earth mortars and earth-lime renders. Conservar Património, 8 21-27. DOI:10.14568/cp8_4.

Fernandes, Maria. 2008. "Earth mortars and earth-lime renders." Conservar Património 8:21-27. doi:10.14568/cp8_4.

FERNANDES, Maria – Earth mortars and earth-lime renders. Conservar Património. [Em linha]. 8 (2008) 21-27 [Consult. ]. Disponível em WWW: <URL:>. ISSN 21829942.

FERNANDES, Maria. Earth mortars and earth-lime renders. Conservar Património, Lisboa, v. 8, p. 21-27, 2008. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: .


Online: 2017-10-3
Publication: 2009-8-10


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