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Autores | Dde Groot, Emmy C.Ana Serrano, Maria João Ferreira, Emmy C. de Groot, António João Cruz, 'Textile heritage and interdisciplinarity', Conservar Património 31 (2019) 13-15, Portuguese and English De Munck, BertNatalia Ortega Saez, Ina Vanden Berghe, Olivier Schalm, Bert De Munck, Joost Caen, 'Material analysis versus historical dye recipes: ingredients found in black dyed wool from five Belgian archives (1650-1850)', Conservar Património 31 (2019) 115-132, English De Vis, KristelAnja Smets, Kristel De Vis, Natalie Ortega-Saez, 'A challenging treatment of an 18th century embroidered textile using gel cleaning in combination with decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) silicone solvent barriers', Conservar Património 31 (2019) 41-52, English Desterro, Maria TeresaAntónio João Cruz, Maria Teresa Desterro, 'The Conservation and Restoration courses and the problems of curricular articulation: the case of the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar', Conservar Património 23 (2016) 97-101, Portuguese Dias, Cristina BarrocasTiago Dias, Elsa Murta, Cristina Barrocas Dias, Vítor Serrão, 'All that glitters is not gold: silver leaf gilding, another means to an end', Conservar Património 22 (2015) 29-40, English Dias, João PauloMiguel J. L. Lourenço, Isabel Zarazúa Astigarraga, João Paulo Dias, 'Conservation of a group of Chinese paintings and calligraphies from the Camilo Pessanha collection: an example of a "less oriental" approach', Conservar Património 13-14 (2011) 37-57, Portuguese Miguel J. L. Lourenço, João Paulo Dias, Isabel Zarazúa Astigarraga, 'Mounting of a group of Chinese scrolls from the Camilo Pessanha collection: an alternative solution', Conservar Património 13-14 (2011) 3-10, Portuguese João Paulo Dias, 'Ultrasonic misting in the treatment of works of art on paper', Conservar Património 1 (2005) 47-53, Portuguese Dias, L.Lurdes Esteves, José Mirão, Luís Dias, António Candeias, João Manuel Mimoso, 'In-situ survey of decaying azulejos panels and the presence of salts', Conservar Património 23 (2016) 43-53, Portuguese M. Oliveira, E. Murta, L. Dias, J. Mirão, A. Candeias, 'Gilding materials and techniques - comparison between altarpieces and their sculptures: a case study', Conservar Património 22 (2015) 41-49, English Dias, Maria IsabelMaria Isabel Dias, Maria Isabel Prudêncio, Christopher Burbidge, Rosa Marques, Camila Remonatto, Maria Luísa de Carvalho, Agnès Le Gac, 'Chemical and mineralogical patterns, and luminescence dating of miniature terracotta high-reliefs', Conservar Património 20 (2014) 53-63, Portuguese Dias, TiagoTiago Dias, Elsa Murta, Cristina Barrocas Dias, Vítor Serrão, 'All that glitters is not gold: silver leaf gilding, another means to an end', Conservar Património 22 (2015) 29-40, English Dionísio, A.
Pedro Azevedo, Maria Filomena Macedo, Amélia Dionísio, 'What is the origin of the black film in the sculpture "Death of Cleopatra"?', Conservar Património 32 (2019) 50-64, Portuguese Anabela Gomes Carvalho, Diego E. Angelucci, Mário Varela Gomes, João Paulo Pereira de Freitas Coroado, Maria Amélia Alves Rangel Dionísio, 'About authenticity of a finding: The case study of the "rock engraving" from Pedrógão Beach, Leiria, Portugal', Conservar Património 11 (2010) 33-47, Portuguese M. Pamplona, M. J. Melo, L. A. Aires-Barros, A. Dionísio, 'Documenting for a better conservation: The use of consolidants and water repellents in conservation interventions of stone Portuguese monuments', Conservar Património 6 (2007) 11-20, Portuguese Domingues, José CarlosJosé Carlos Domingues, Tiago Miguel Ferreira, João Negrão, Romeu Vicente, 'The safeguarding and preservation of the Built Heritage in old urban centres: a reflection on traditional stone masonry buildings' structural rehabilitation', Conservar Património 29 (2018) 51-62, Portuguese |
ARP | Associação Profissional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Portugal |