Conservation of old renderings - the consolidation of rendering with loss of cohesion
Martha Tavares1,*, Maria do Rosário Veiga2, Ana Fragata3
1 Restorer, Research trainee, PhD student, Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Lisbon, Portugal
2 Civil Engineer PhD, Senior Researcher, Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Lisbon, Portugal
3 Civil Engineer, PhD student, Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Lisbon, Portugal
The study of external renderings in the scope of conservation and restoration has acquired in the last years great methodological, scientific and technical advances. These renderings are important elements of the built structure, for besides possessing a protection function, they possess often a decorative function of great relevance for the image of the monument. The maintenance of these renderings implies the conservation of traditional constructive techniques and the use of compatible materials, as similar to the originals as possible. The main objective of this study is to define a methodology of conservative restoration using strategies of maintenance of renderings and traditional constructive techniques. The minimum intervention principle is maintained as well as the use of materials compatible with the original ones. This paper describes the technique and products used for the consolidation of the loss of cohesion. The testing campaign was developed under controlled conditions, in laboratory, and in situ in order to evaluate their efficacy for the consolidation of old renders. A set of tests is presented to evaluate the effectiveness of the process. The results are analysed and a reflection is added referring to the applicability of these techniques. Finally the paper presents a proposal for further research.
Lime mortars
Techniques of restoration
Lime water
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Conservar Património: Tavares, M.; Veiga, M. R.; Fragata, A., 'Conservation of old renderings - the consolidation of rendering with loss of cohesion', Conservar Património 8 (2008) 13-19,
APA: Tavares, M., Veiga, M. R., & Fragata, A. (2008). Conservation of old renderings - the consolidation of rendering with loss of cohesion. Conservar Património, 8 13-19. DOI:10.14568/cp8_3.
Chicago: Tavares, Martha, Maria do Rosário Veiga, and Ana Fragata. 2008. "Conservation of old renderings - the consolidation of rendering with loss of cohesion." Conservar Património 8:13-19. doi:10.14568/cp8_3.
NP405: TAVARES, Martha [et al.] – Conservation of old renderings - the consolidation of rendering with loss of cohesion. Conservar Património. [Em linha]. 8 (2008) 13-19 [Consult. ]. Disponível em WWW: <URL:>. ISSN 21829942.
ABNT: TAVARES, Martha; VEIGA, Maria do Rosário; FRAGATA, Ana. Conservation of old renderings - the consolidation of rendering with loss of cohesion. Conservar Património, Lisboa, v. 8, p. 13-19, 2008. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: .
Online: 2017-10-3 Publication: 2009-8-10
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